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STUCK ON VHS: Fatal Pulse (1988)

Many Sundays throughout the year we will be highlighting a few titles that are considered to be "stuck" on VHS, with no physical releases since the format (discounting VHS transfers on DVDs, etc.) for various reasons, i.e. legal ownership disputes, music licensing issues, or perhaps just perceived lack of interest

It's kind of incredible there are still 1980s slashers out there that still haven't received the boutique blu-ray treatment yet, but we've certainly got a fun one in FATAL PULSE from 1988. We follow a black-gloved killer as they kill their way through the denizens of a sorority house and things are elevated to bonkers levels with a tortured performance by Joe Estevez (credited as Joe Phelan), an incredible synth score, aerobics, and even death by vinyl record. BOIIING!

From the back of the box:

"First there were ten little sorority girls... then there was one.

Who's responsible for the horrific murders of beautiful young coed? Circumstantial evidence points to Jeff, a handsome teaching assistant who's dating Lisa. But it might be Ernie, the tormented Viet Nam War vet who owns the sorority house. Or, could it be someone else?

In shock and disbelief, Lisa watches as the nude bodies of her sorority sisters are found by the one. One girl is cut-up and pushed out a window. Another is sadistically tortured. And yet a third is suffocated by a concrete facial. When will this madness end...and what sadistic killer is behind it?"

dir. Anthony J. Christopher, 1988
United States, VHS projection
90 mins

Sunday, 3/2
7:30 DOORS

Special ticket rate: $5 general admission, $4 members!

General Admission
Member Tickets