Your eyes are spectral machines is a selection of films in which Luis Macias investigates the concept of what he calls spectral cinema. Exploring each of the different components of the film spectrum: the process and structure as a challenge, the photochemical transformation in the laboratory of created and/or appropriate images, editing/manipulation and re-photography through the optical/contact printer, and the projection as an event ... These are parts of a filmic form organized in closed structures allowing intermediate spaces that force/activate improvisation.
Luis Macias searches in the form, the structure of each piece, through a detailed elaboration of the process and the manipulation of the mechanical device, causing a spectral perception of Nature.
7:30 DOORS
Luis Macias (1976, Barcelona, Spain.) Is an artist, filmmaker and image composer. His pieces deal with the formal and spectral properties of the moving image, through the exploration of the cinematographic device itself and the photochemical nature of the medium. Focused on experimental and procedural practices of analog image, his works in Super 8,16mm, 35mm and / or video format are composed for projection, performance or installation. His films and pieces of expanded cinema have been shown in prestigious film, art and music festivals as well as art centers, museums and alternative spaces around the world.
He's been part of collective exhibitions and has had one individual so far. Also he has collaborated with various artists, musicians and filmmakers in the creation of collective works. Co-founder and an active member of Crater-Lab, an independent laboratory for analog cinema, and alternates his art work with specialized teaching in experimental cinema and the exploration of analog formats.
Co-presented by T.A.P.E. - a Los Angeles based 501(c)3 nonprofit dedicated to facilitating support for analog media through free digitizing, education, hands-on training, equipment rentals and volunteer opportunities. Teach, archive, preserve, exhibit.